суббота, 16 июля 2011 г.

Jack White throws divorce party

After six years of marriage with Karen Elson, Jack White gets divorced and throws a party to celebrate, together with his ex wife, US Magazine reports.

Have you ever heard of a divorce party? We’ve heard of bachelor parties, baby showers, birthday parties, but a divorce party? We’ve heard of prenups, fights over who gets the piano and who gets the dog, lawyer’s huge fees and sex scandals, of love children with the housekeepers, drug abuse and violence, but a divorce party? Well… that’s new!

When White Stripes musician Jack White and British fashion model/musician Karen Elson decided go their separate ways, they made is very amicable. So amicable that they organized a party in honor of them parting ways. Jack White, 35, and Karen Elson, 32, made their announcement through e-vite. They sent the invitations on Friday. All the family and friends were invited. The message said “We remain dear and trusted friends and co-parents to our wonderful children”. The message also stated that they both feel very fortunate to have shared the six years they had together and for the time they “will to spend both separately and together watching our children grow.”

The couple met on the set where a White Stripes video was shooting. They got married in a canoe on the Amazon River in Brazil, in June 2005. They have 2 children together: a daughter, Scarlett, who is 5, and a son, Henry, who is 3.

So, in honor of the time they spent together in “holy matrimony”, they have thrown a divorce party – “An evening together in Nashville to re-affirm our friendship and celebrate the past and future with close friends and family” continued the unusual message.

This is the second marriage that ends for Jack White, after divorcing his former bandmate Meg White in 2000. They were married in 1996 and hid their romantic status for a while, pretending to be relatives. Among White’s celebrity exes, we can mention actress Renee Zellweger and socialite Heidi Davis. White Stripes announced the end of the band this year in February.

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