среда, 10 ноября 2010 г.

Man arrested on DUI, fleeing scene

A 32-year-old man was arrested Saturday after allegedly drinking and driving, in addition to leading a California Highway Patrol officer on a foot pursuit.

The incident ended after 7 p.m. after the man allegedly resisted arrest and a fight ensued with the officer, the CHP reported.

A bulletin had been issued for a drunken driver in the Hilmar area, when CHP officer Dave Anderson spotted a vehicle driven Yovani Nunez Mata, of Denair, said officer John Patterson, CHP spokesman.

The officer pulled over Mata's car and determined he was under the influence. Rather than be taken into custody, however, Mata struggled with the officer and fled on foot.

The foot pursuit went about 30 feet and the officer was able to catch Mata. A struggle ensued. During the fight, Mata unsuccessfully tried several times to pull the officer's service weapon, Patterson said.

Additional units arrived, and Mata was taken into custody. He was taken to Doctor's Medical Center in Modesto. He was later booked into the Merced County Jail on suspicion of eight counts, including DUI, resisting arrest, attempting the removal an officer's firearm, battery on a police officer and assault against a peace officer. He's being held in lieu of $35,000 bail.

Anderson received minor injuries and was treated and Emanuel Medical Center in Turlock.

Reporter Victor A. Patton can be reached at (209) 385-2431 or vpatton@mercedsun-star.com .

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