четверг, 10 февраля 2011 г.

Personal Injury Claim | Compensation Claim | Irwin Mitchell

Personal injury and illness can have a dramatic and sometimes life changing impact for the person affected and for those who are close to them. We passionately believe that our clients deserve the best possible medical care, rehabilitation and support after personal injury or illness. A successful personal injury claim can provide the financial support that allows you to access these services.

As part of your compensation claim we will seek to help you receive the earliest possible support with any financial stresses or strains that may arise following personal injury or illness because you are not able to work.

If you have suffered from any kind of personal injury or illness that wasn’t your fault, Irwin Mitchell will strive to secure the compensation that you need and deserve.

At Irwin Mitchell we will fight fearlessly to achieve the best possible outcome for your personal injury claim. We’re renowned for our understanding of the issues affecting you and your family following a personal injury, and we know what positive action to take to make a difference for you.

Our Promises To You

Where possible we will ensure that:

You receive 100% of the compensation awarded Your compensation claim will be pursued at ‘No Cost to You’

At all times:

You will talk to friendly and caring professionals who are specialists in personal injury claims  You will receive understanding, empathetic and professional advice which always puts your best interests at its core We will undertake immediate investigations to determine who is liable for your personal injury claim We will obtain interim payments wherever possible to help fund private healthcare, rehabilitation and help with your financial security. We will take into account any worries that you may have such as dealing with financial needs, state benefits and asserting your employment and other rights. We will discuss all aspects of your compensation claim at a place and time convenient for you. We’ll Give You All The Support You Need

We understand that contacting a personal injury lawyer might seem like a big step – especially if you haven’t done so before.

At Irwin Mitchell we understand the real impact of a personal injury or illness. Our team of personal injury specialists have the skills and experience to guide you through the process of making a successful compensation claim.

Personal Injury Services In Scotland If you live in Scotland, we have a dedicated personal injury service that covers all aspects of Scottish law. For more information, visit our personal injury Scotland section. Find out whether you have a claim today. Simply complete our online claim form or call us with details of your accident on 0800 056 4110.

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