среда, 29 декабря 2010 г.

Pennsylvania Birth Injury Lawyer Aims to Regain Necessary Compensation for Those to Properly Care for their Child | MyMobShare (Blog)

Pennsylvania Birth Injury Lawyer Aims to Regain Necessary Compensation for Those to Properly Care for their Child

Birth injury and birth complications are sensitive subjects that affect many who have unfortunately experienced this type of tragedy. Long labor, a large fetal head, or low infant weight can cause a birth injury. However these are all causes of birth injury that occur by nature not by an outside source. Birth injuries that result from external means may cause grave birth injuries, which are to be avoided at all costs. In some cases medical professionals are to blame for a birth injury if they failed to regulate the labor in the correct manner. Other causes of birth injuries can be attributed to types of prescription drugs that a woman might take while pregnant. The drug Paxil has caused the most recent occurrence of a birth injury caused by a prescription drug. Paxil is an antidepressant that was first introduced to the market in 1992. Millions of people have used Paxil for treatment of depression. However in 2006 GlaxoSmithKline, manufacturer of Paxil issued a warning label on their product Paxil to warn pregnant women not to take the drug for it may cause birth defects. The issuance of the warning brought to light what had been going on for 14 years. Pregnant women were taking Paxil regularly to cope with post partum depression, however they did not know that the drug was wreaking havoc on their unborn child. If you or a loved has been negatively affected from taking Paxil, contact a Pennsylvania Birth Injury Lawyer.

When GlaxoSmithKline issued the warning label on Paxil, it outraged many who had taken the drug while pregnant. For if they would have known about the ill side effects from taking the drug, they would have never taken in it the first place. This is an unfortunate situation because many children have suffered from the event. Another reason why this event stirs so much discrepancy is because people would have easily not taken the drug if they knew what others know now. It is time for GlaxoSmithKline to take responsibility for their actions and be willing negotiate with those who have been injured. Paxil has proven to be fatal for many infants in which they could do nothing to stop it from happening to it. If GlaxoSmithKline hadn’t been so wrapped up in the success of Paxil, and paid more attention on the safety aspect, may lives would be spared.

If you or a loved one has been harmed from the side effects associated with Paxil, contact a Pennsylvania Birth Injury Lawyer. They have the experience in dealing with product liability cases in which they have recovered millions of dollars in settlements for their clients. A Pennsylvania Birth Injury Lawyer has the abilities and determination to make sure that GlaxoSmithKline and fellow pharmaceutical giants emphasize safety before profits. If your child has suffered through a birth injury, talk to a Pennsylvania Birth Injury Lawyer so that you can start your path to justice. For you may be able to acquire the necessary compensation it will take to care for you child.

The Eire, Pennsylvania Personal Injury and Car Accident Attorneys at the Quinn Law Firm have over 85 years experience helping the Injured of Erie County, Warren County, Crawford County, Venango County, Mercer County, Lawrence County and surrounding areas. Our accident lawyers have handled cases involving motorcycle crashes, car collisions, truck accidents, school bus collisions, dog bites, slip and falls, defective products and more. Please visit our website at www.erieinjurylawyers.com. We offer a free case evaluation and there is no fee unless a financial recovery is made. Serving Erie, Meadville, Edinboro, New Castle, Mercer, Sharon, Bradford, Oil City, Franklin, Mercer, Grove City and surrounding areas.

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