вторник, 14 июня 2011 г.

Illinois Brain Injury Lawyers & Attorneys, Chicago, all of IL

BRAIN INJURY LAWYERS AND ATTORNEYS We help people find experienced, brain injury lawyers in each of the 50 states in all major cities and rural areas for free. When you contact our office you will speak with a personal injury lawyer for free and we will do whatever we can to help you find a lawyer that is experienced in representing plaintiffs in brain injury lawsuits. We represent good people with legitimate, serious claims of negligence against others.  If you would like a no cost, no obligation consultation, please either call us toll free at (800) 807-9530 or complete our contact form and we will call you. All inquiries are confidential.

Statistics show that there are approximately 2 million brain injuries, also known as traumatic brain injuries, reported in the United States each year. Of those 2 million reported traumatic brain injuries, over 51,000 were fatal and over 20% of the surviving victims suffered permanent disabilities. Furthermore, it is reported that there are over 5 million people in the United States who are permanently disabled as the result of a traumatic brain injury.

A traumatic brain injury most often results from a blow to the head suffered in a vehicle crash, fall, or sports injury. A traumatic brain injury occurs when an external force strikes the head, when the skull is seriously hit, the brain may twist within the skull. The rotation of the brain inside the skull can sever or shear the brain’s long connecting nerve fibers. This damage can be microscopic and difficult to measure, and is often overlooked since the injury is internal. Brain injuries often also occur to children at birth from either a lack of oxygen or from other errors in the delivery process. Many adults also, unfortunately, suffer brain injuries from routine medical procedures where carelessness leads to a lack of oxygen.

The impact of a traumatic brain injury can be devastating on a person’s life as well of that of the injured victim’s family members. The effects of a brain injury include reductions in cognitive, physical, and psychological skills. Cognitive deficits may include difficulty in language and communication, information processing, short or long-term memory loss, and perceptual skills. Physical deficits include difficulty walking, balance and coordination, motor skills, and strength. People suffering from a traumatic brain injury often exhibit changes in personality and lifestyle, such as dramatic mood swings.

Traumatic Brain Injuries may also result in:

Inability to care for oneself Loss of voluntary or involuntary motor functions Loss or reasoning and thinking abilities Paralysis Sensory loss, such as, sight, speech, and hearing Emotional disabilities such as depression, anxiety, and post traumatic stress disorder If you have suffered a blow to the head and are suffering from any of the above symptoms, you should see a doctor immediately. To protect your legal rights and to ensure that you obtain the maximum recovery for your traumatic brain injury, you should consult an attorney who is experienced in handling traumatic brain injury cases. If you would like a no cost, no obligation consultation, please either call us toll free at (800) 807-9530 or complete our contact form and we will call you. All inquiries are confidential.

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